Student Solution


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Consideration Discussion

Consideration Discussion

Q The general rule is that each contract must meet the requirement of having consideration. This means that each party must give something of value and there must be a bargained for exchange. Before responding to this week's discussion board, please read Chapter 12 and the chapter overview. In a new thread, please answer the following questions: 1. Please explain the purpose of consideration and why this element is necessary for contracts. Please reference a case in Chapter 12 to support your explanation. 2. Do you think that the doctrine of promissory estoppel should apply as an exception to consideration? Why or why not?

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In the course reading of Business law, Consideration is being characterized as a type of lawful esteem that is expected or is being given in return for a demonstration or might be for a guarantee that hosts been made by a gathering. According to the legitimate framework, the term thought alludes to something of significant worth given to somebody as an end-result of products, administrations, or some other guarantee. Thought is imperative in contract law, as a legitimate contract must incorporate thought for each gathering included. In straightforward terms, thought is the fundamental reason a gathering goes into a legitimate contract (Langvardt, Barnes, Prenkart, McCrory & Perry, n.d.).